From its founding in the late 1800s, Georgia Tech has focused on equipping Georgians with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the state’s economy and competitive standing. Nearly 150 years later, through research, training, and statewide partnerships, this commitment and mission is stronger than ever.
Tech has a well-established tradition of providing access to financially disadvantaged students, beginning first with low tuition and fee charges, coupled with available scholarships, student loans, and the nation's largest voluntary co-op program. Because of these programs, Georgia Tech has opened the doors of opportunity for many students including first-generation college graduates.
There is no better investment than in a talented young person. We need your help Transforming Tomorrow by ensuring top students from all financial backgrounds choose Georgia Tech. Philanthropic support for scholarships and fellowships makes it possible for Tech to recruit the brightest, most talented students from around our state and around the world. Support students today. To discuss, please reach out to Rick Clark, Executive Director of Strategic Access Initiatives (